
Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Introducing my new book "RAPED WHILE I SLEPT
Available on Amazon for Kindle or paper back. This is a help book designed to help you to understand more about sexual dreams and the lifestyle we live that can bring causes of such dreams. I share my own personal experiences of being raped while I slept. Pick up your copy now... 
Praise Yeshua God! I just wanted to share with you a short dream that I had not that long ago. I believe I had this dream back in November of 2012. This is very short but here goes. I was in a last stage of a dream that I don't remember anything about until this point. I was in a room and notice something very intriguing to me. I looked and saw in front of my face what appeared to be symbols of some sort. The first symbols that I saw reminded me of upside down music notes. They were just hanging in the air flashing beautiful rainbow like colors. It was if these symbols were alive. They had life in them. These symbols were totally pulsating with life and vibrant colors as if it was trying to get my attention. I was wondering what was this that was right before my eyes. I believe that God heard me and then revealed to me what this group of symbols meant. I can't describe all of the symbols but it was beautiful. After I question what I was seeing then God showed me the translation in English form. The English form simply translated to "BELOVED"

WOW God was telling me that he loves me. He was letting me know that I am dearly loved by him!!!! It wasn't until later that I learned that the symbols that God showed me were in Hebrew!!!


1 John 3:2

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, 
when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.