
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Spirit on my back - REVEALED

     There have been many times in my life where I've had dreams and was able to feel them ever so real! The more my life with Christ progresses it seems that my dreams/vision become more complete and surreal. I've been with my wife Latasha for close to 13 years of which almost 11 years we have been married. Each year we had to work on our marriage because the devil will come and try to destroy your marriage if you let him. While truly being under the power of the Holy Spirit, God guided us along the way and caused us to grow closer together. Right now we are ever so close, closer than we've been in the past decade. There was always so much to work on and did not have a perfect marriage. Although we don't have a perfect marriage and who does, I can say that our marriage is close to perfect. Why? Because we called upon the name of the Lord, obeying His commands and shut Satan out!

     Just last month during our 40 day fast together with going before the throne in praise and worship I had a surreal dream. I remember waking up inside my dream lying down on the bed in a bedroom. I started to float up in the bed while noticing my surroundings. Inspection time! The first thing that really got my attention was a roaring wind like sound but it wasn't your usual howling sound like you hear in the movies or when a storm is over head. It was the sound of being in a totally different world in spirit if this makes any sense to you. It was kind of like being under water while hearing the roaring of the underwater current but a loud blowing sound! I really can't explain it any better. While this sound was sustained, I was looking around the room observing this place that I was in. I must tell you that when I first started to sit up in the bed, I felt a heavy like presence on my back. It wasn't heavy as in pushing me down heavy but it was just enough to let me know that there was a kind of presence on my back. I could see while in this room that to my immediate right there was a window with a bright light shining through. To my left was an open door and hallway. To the right of this open door sat against the wall was a mirror. While feeling that there was something on my back I began to look back to see what was behind me. I didn't see anyone or anything behind me but I did notice some kind of mist. So I decided to float upward out of the bed and fly over to this mirror that was standing at long length view. As I looked into this mirror to see what was on my back I saw a mist come up behind me. This mist was similar to the way heat looks when it is coming up from the ground or when you are barbecuing. I knew and saw that it was a spirit on my back. I didn't know what was exactly going on but I wasn't scared or anything like that but I had peace. I started flying around this place during this SUSTAINED SURROUND SOUND with this light heaviness on my back. I noticed that the room was a blue like color. After flying around this place I finally found out who and what spirit was on my back. When I came to a complete stop from flying, there it was that spirit that was revealed to me in the flesh was my wife Latasha! She came down from off my back and it was so surreal of how she look the same as if I was looking at her in the flesh outside of the dream. She had the exact same hair style. Learning again that being married to her, fasting and prayer, growing more spiritually together, we are one together in Christ! We are one in marriage and one flesh!

Mark 10:7-8

7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;

8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.