
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

False Christ in the Golden Palace

   Praise the Lord!!! I just wanted to share a dream with you that I believe the Lord gave me several years ago regarding the man that is against Christ and everything that Christ stands for which is the anti-Christ! I found myself standing in this super huge golden looking palace with many tall standing round pillars. I believe the location that I was in was somewhere in the Middle East maybe Israel. It was in this palace where there was a man waiting in the wings of the building located in a room waiting to be brought out. 

     The time came for this man to come out of this room. It was believed that this person was the Messiah! There this person was walking through the golden like palace escorted by a very large entourage of people with many followers. I was standing next to one of the golden pillars watching this person who was claimed to be Jesus wearing what appeared to be a long robe where the back of it was long like a train. He had a crown of some sort on his head. I was watching how he had many followers and was a self proclaimed miracle worker! It was like watching the Pope how he has a very large following. They worship the Pope more than Jesus giving him gifts and presents, crying, falling out, etc. In this vision this man had many, many followers! 

Exodus 20:3-6

 “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Just a side note here, parents when your children start saying to you that Justin Beiber, the Jonas Brothers, or any other person is their idol then you need to give them correction with using the WORD OF GOD!

1 John 5:21

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. There I was watching all of this take place but my spirit didn't feel right about what I was seeing. I said to myself in an audible voice with out actually talking, this is not Jesus! People were following him all through this huge golden place. I felt that I was going to get to the bottom of this. There I was watching as this powerful man with this long robe and crown on march up the steps toward me and looking directly at me. As he was approaching me I stuck my hand out towards him calling out for him to truly reveal himself. While my hand was pointed at him the power of God shot out of my hand at this man. This power was like a fiery lighting that cut him in half. His whole outer appearance started peeling off while revealing that he was really the anti-Christ in demon form. When the skin peeled off and the devil was revealed and anti-Christ then both all in one burned with fervent heat that exploded.  

Mark 13:6

Many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and will deceive many.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Praise the Lord! I just wanted to share this short dream of some sort that God has not yet given me a revelation about. I remember being in some type of huge building that had many floors. The building was enormous and very odd shaped. I can't really remember every little detail of the building and didn't understand exactly what I was doing there. I just remember sort of going back and forth from one part of the inside building to the next on different levels. There was one thing that I did notice was that my vision was very blurry like it is when I'm not wearing my glasses or contacts. Here's where it gets strange. I found myself standing at a very large entrance to the outside of a building. While I was standing at this entrance to the outside my vision started to clear up to the point where I was seeing 20/20! I was transported in the spirit to a foreign country of which I don't know and never have visited before. Ladies and gentlemen as I am sitting here typing this I can assure you that it was not my imagination but it was the real thing. I had just been transported in the spirit to this foreign country. As I stepped into the entrance to the outside I saw people walking right by me. It is if you are standing on a sidewalk somewhere or on the beachwalk in Santa Monica, CA where you see people walking pass you from left to right. While I was watching these people walking from left to right and from right to left, I observed their face and hair. Their hair was a dark color which appeared to be a good grade of hair. They had varying height with a normal body weight. I cannot leave this very important clue to let me know that I was transported in the spirit. When I first came to the beginning point of the entrance to see outside, I smelled a very bad odor! My sense of smell was working 10x that of my normal sense of smell. I was thinking that this just doesn't happen in a normal dream so it must be something greater. I was smelling this as I walked out onto this rocky ground that had dirt. It looked to be a dirt trail of some sort with rocks and pebbles. There was also a medium wall running the direction of the trail with trees in the back drop. The people that I was watching looked to be from a middle eastern country or close to it. I was standing directly in the middle of the rocky dirt trail watching these humans. I know and believe that I was transported to a far foreign land in the spirit...